Help with life matters

We always strive to help Participants, families, and carers where we can, but if we can’t, we will endeavour to find the people who can.

Below are some helpful links for assistance with the NDIS or Disability Advocacy.

How do I find out if I am eligible for NDIS funding?

To find out if you are eligible for NDIS funding, head to the Eligibility Checklist to answer the required questions. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can ask to become a participant by completing an Access Request Form. Click 'learn more' complete an Access Request Form.

I want to review my NDIS Plan and goals?

Your first NDIS plan review usually falls 12 months after your plan started. Your plan review is the opportunity to check your supports are working for you and they are helping you pursue your goals. Click 'learn more' to find out more information on reviewing and making changes to your plan.

I need advocacy assistance

Disability Advocacy can assist people with a disability to get fair treatment from government departments, disability services, businesses, at work, university, school or TAFE, with accommodation, transport, with legal, healthcare or money issues. To seek advocacy assistance or find out more click 'learn more'.

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